News and Blogs

  • Seminar for ADAS and AI

    If you want to learn much more details about the backgrounds and methods behind SMaaS (Scenario Management as a Service) and the underlying technologies and methods, our seminars could be a good way to start. The next will be held under the title “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for ADAS and ADS – Introduction and…

  • Intelligent Intersection: Finalization of the Project IntIntSec

    For some time now, we have been working on the development of the “intelligent intersection” as part of the IntIntSec project. On Friday, February 2nd, the project partners TU Wien, Austrian Traffic Safety Board (KfV), swarco, komobile and ANDATA met for project completion and exchange together with invited partners and interested parties. The aim of…

  • The hard things about hard ODD and system specification in Vehicle Safety and Automated, Connected Driving

    ODD (Operational Design Domain) is a commonly used term in the context of Cooperative, Connected, Automated Driving (CCAD), Integral Vehicle Safety and Traffic Automation. In any case, we are convinced that the methodological concepts behind that term could reinforce their significance for development, validation, and assessment of automated and connected driving functions and vehicle safety…